Operational Planning Model for Public Transport in Poznań


The main goal of the project is to develop an operational traffic model by integrating various data sources into the VISUM software. These sources include timetable data adhering to the GTFS standard, data from automatic passenger counting systems, and data from operations conducted using the electronic ticket system. The experimental field for this project will be the area of the City of Poznań within the traffic model. Additionally, the project aims to establish a methodology for constructing a standard planning operating model tailored to medium-sized cities. The ultimate outcome of the project will be a comprehensive report summarizing the test period, encompassing research findings and recommendations concerning the potential advancement of research efforts.

Key functionalities lab

The primary functionality will involve adapting the Poznań traffic model and the interface within the PTV Visum software to enable the importation of data containing timetables in the GTFS standard and data sourced from the automatic passenger counting system.

Client benefits lab

The primary benefit for the City of Poznań will be the expedited process of updating the traffic model with both current and planned transport network data. Instead of manually inputting this information into the PTV Visum software, it will now be feasible to import timetables, prepared using other software in the GTFS standard, which, in the case of current data, are openly available. Moreover, data sourced from the automatic passenger counting system will facilitate keeping the traffic model continuously updated following alterations to bus and tram routes. These solutions will enable the utilization of the traffic model for planning significant operational changes in the transport network, extending beyond strategic considerations as previously practiced.


Naszym celem, który wiążemy z tym projektem jest przygotowanie modelu ruchu aby możliwe było wykonywanie analiz służących w większym stopniu celom operacyjnym, a nie tylko strategicznym. Pozwoli to nam na obiektywną ocenę i porównanie między sobą różnych wariantów rozwiązań w zakresie przebiegu poszczególnych linii tramwajowych i autobusowych oraz częstotliwości kursowania.

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